Nikki Spiers by Linda Spiers / Mama

I bought Nikki when he was only 7 weeks old, as I was choosing the right one. Out of 4 puppies, he was the one that came up to me and wouldn’t leave me. I played with him, tried petting the others, but they would move away from me, but Nikki stayed right with me as to say, please take me. Well, he was so loving, that I had to take him. He was the runt in the crowd. At that moment, that’s when our hearts became one.

He was the son I never had; he slept with me; I would bathe him and make him smell so clean. I took Nikki everywhere I went except to the grocery store and if I could, I would have. We grew closer and closer that he was mine, not my husband’s but mine. If I left him with anyone, he would cry for me. When I came to get him, he was so happy that when I picked him up; he would cling to me as to say, please don’t leave me.

I work in a pet shop where there are so many animals. I would carry my two Yorkies to be groomed while I cleaned the shop he didn’t want to be out of my sight. The other Yorkie was Nikki’s daughter. She was precious. Well, Nikki made 5 years old in April 2002. I came home from work on a Wednesday afternoon. When I pulled up to the gate, I saw my two females but no Nikki. I asked my husband where was Nikki. I knew it was kind of odd that he wasn’t waiting for me like he always did. That’s when my heart was broken, my husband told me that our neighbor’s two chows across the street came over on our property and they killed Nikki. He never had a chance, but he was like a Rottweiler; he wasn’t scared of anything. I cried that night when I went to bed and Nikki wasn’t there beside me like he was everynight; it hurts so much, that I still can’t forget him. He was black and tan, very cute face and very proud. He was my heart and I will always miss him.


With All My Love,
Nikki Spiers
Linda Spiers