Nikko Costa Cresos Carlson by CJ Carlson / Mommy

Nikko came into my life in Dec. of ’90. Never had thought about getting a dog, but a co-worker brought in her litter and as she set the pups down, Nikko left the litter and came to me. Of course,
I ended up taking him home.

I never did end up having children of my own… the saying goes, everything happens for a reason.

For 15 years, Nikko has been my life, my world, he depended on me, and loved me so unconditionally. He was the one thing that gave me discipline and structure, I gave him love and he gave it back so many times. I still can’t say “Good-bye”, and still can’t stop the tears, I just keep thinking that God needed another rose in his garden, and this was Nikko’s time to be picked………..


Loving and Missing You So.........
Nikko Costa Cresos Carlson
CJ Carlson