Oreo by Haylee / Haylee

When me, my little sister, and my little brother went trick or treating on halloween, we went to a house that an old man lived in, when we walked up the path to the house we saw a black and white cat. I said mom look!!! He is so adorable!!!! My mother said he is! When we got home, we went into the house and I looked through the back door and saw the cat that we saw at that old man’s house. I shouted mom it’s the cat we saw at that house! She said to let it in and feed it. Then my 2 other cats Cammie and Reeses came in and saw the cat.

Cammie is blind so she could not see the cat but Reeses freaked out and attacked the cat; we put them both in seprate rooms and we named the cat Oreo. 2 weeks and 5 days later, we were heading to go grocery shopping and when we got to the stop sign at the entrance of our neighbourhood, we saw a cat laying across the street; it looked just like Oreo. My mom immediatly said HAYLEE!!! does that cat have white under it’s chin???!!!! I looked closely and started to cry. I immediately called my best friend and told her the terrible news. She loves to come over to my house just to see Oreo but now she can’t. Oreo was very loving and she loved to be held. Whenever you were sitting down she would jump up in your lap and sit down and watch TV wth you.


You are my heart,