Otis Pugsly Petty by Petty Family / Heather

Our dog Otis was the greatest dog ever. We got him when he was just a puppy. We went to pet store after pet store to find the him. I’m glad we went to almost every one in the orlando area because we saved the best for last. It’s like he knew we needed him.
He was so small yet big at heart.

One day my father was cleaning our pool and he thought he could walk on water because next thing my dad heard was a splash and turned to see our little Otis paddling over to him. He was always there
loving everyone.

He would always be at the dinner table when it was time to eat. He would eat so much he was to full to move. The day he died was like the end of the world. He was so protecting that he didn’t realize that those three boxers were bigger then he was. He didn’t deserve to go like that. He was supposed to grow old and go on God’s free will.

I know he’s ok because he’s with our grandparents keeping them as happy as we were. I’m gratful for the time I had with him. I love him and miss him soooooo much.


Always thinking of you,
Otis Pugsly Petty
Petty Family