Ozzie by Audrey / Your House Mom……….

You found your home in the garage with your sister, Suzie, last spring. I know you are now with her and you guys will be together always. You were one of my many garage feral kitties. You all came into this world last spring, I figure around April. I think you had another sibling that didn’t make it early in life. I missed you this a.m. at feeding time as you were always there, being a talker. Meow, meow. I went looking for you and found you. At least I found you and don’t have to spend the time wondering where you are. I hope it was quick. I know you were scared. I didn’t hear anything, like sometimes I can. I will miss your presence and chatter in the mornings…..Your other feral kitties will miss you too….Louie, Mister, Brother, Lila (your Mom,I think) and especially my cat….Dewey. You guys were playmates and greeted
each other every morning…


A Special Place in My Heart for You......