Panzer by Debbie / Mommy

Panzer was my wonderful dog, I adopted her from the SPCA, a cute little furry ball of energy. I did not even have her 48 hours when she got really sick, and almost died…but she had already stolen my heart! She recovered from that episode, and we spent almost 14 years together.
She was my best friend.
Then something happened…she lost interest in food..She started being unable to walk..She looked at me with those soulful eyes, and told me she was tired. I took the day off from work, and spent it with her…walking down memory lane, remembering how she was always there for me, no matter what…I loved her and pet her, and reassured her, that I would be the best Mom for her, as she was the best dog for me.
Making the decision to have her put to sleep was the hardest thing I ever had to do in my life. We went to the vet..the place she hated the most..the vet tearfully told me that there was nothing we could do, as she was already in bad shape…I stayed with her, and felt her soul and part of mine leave this earth. While I know she is in a better place, and that I will see her does not diminish the sorrow and emptiness in my heart.
I miss not seeing her at the door..I miss our walks. I miss her just checking on me in the middle of the night..I miss her kisses..I miss her devotion and protectiveness.
I will always miss my forever friend.


I love you girl