Skippy by Janet / Janet, Steve and Crystal

Hey Skip, hope you are happy and well at the Rainbow Bridge. Although, we have new kitties now, we still think of you a lot and miss you. They help to fill the void there was after you left us. You were the best!

We had Amber a year before you, but wanted another kitty who was a snuggler and boy, you were wonderful right from the start! We found you at the Humane Society with your littermates when you were just 10 weeks. At first, we didn’t even know you were there. You were comfortably buried under your brothers and sisters. A lady next to me told me you were there at the bottom of the heap. You were so adorable, loving, laid back and the only one in the bunch who didn’t claw me. You let me cradle you in my arms and purred happily. You won my heart right then. It didn’t take long before you won Amber over too. Inside of a week you were snuggling right up to her like she was your mommy.

One of the funny memories I have of you when you were a kitten was the sight of you trying to bite through a package of frozen hamburger left thawing on the counter. Even though you were mischievous at times, you were a joy to have around. You were our sweet little furry boy.

We enjoyed when you snuggled in bed with us, although you were so tiny I was afraid you might get crushed, but you were fine. You grew into a beautiful, loving cat who we adored. You went through many favorite resting places over the years with the dryer being the most amusing one. I have a number of cute pictures of you there.

I always admired your spunk. We took in Leo, my uncle’s dog, when he could no longer care for him and boy did he give you and Amber a hard time! He probably never knew a cat a day in his life before then. At first, you and Amber would easily run away being much faster than him. Then one day, you got tired of being bullied in your own home and stood up to him! You amazed me. You hunched up your back and hissed at him. When he started to come after you, you just jumped over his back and ran leaving Leo wondering where the heck you went! Boy, was that a funny sight! Then Leo seemed to come around after that and started to accept you. I guess you showed him! Shortly after that, you lived together like you knew each other all your lives. It was wonderful to see.

Before then, When you were only four, you were diagnosed with cardiomyopathy, but you managed to do quite well over the years. Until one day when you were not quite eight, we noticed you lost an awful lot of weight. I can’t believe we didn’t notice sooner. It seemed to happen all of a sudden. In the same weekend, we also noticed you wouldn’t eat or drink and your fur looked kind of shabby. Your weren’t your usual, loving self. All you wanted to do was hide out in the basement. I took you in Monday to get checked out by the vet who discovered you had chronic renal failure and predicted you had only about six months to live given special care. You were very dehydrated and had to be hospitalized for two days till your fluid levels were where they should be. Once we took you home with us again, we did all we could to keep you with us as long as we could. You managed to live 9 1/2 months longer till your body failed you at only 8 1/2 years old. You were such a good boy, using the litter box until you no longer could on that final day. Although we knew it was coming, it never made it any easier when the time came. We were deeply saddened and left with emptiness at your loss. God wanted you with him, but I’ll never understand why he had to take you from us so soon. At least we’ll have fond memories of our short time here together. I will miss you resting next to me at night. I’ll also miss how you greeted us when we got home after being gone. Maybe you’ll greet us again at the Rainbow Bridge when the time comes? Until then, so long dear, sweet boy. You’ll always live with us in our hearts.

