Par Boy by Sandra Shrum & Doug Shrum / Sandy Shrum

Par Boy was a bay quarter horse gelding that my dad got from his brother in 1978 or 79 for us for x-mas. When christmas morning came we went out to see him and it was real foggy that morning and Par Boy was no where to be found. My dad said I know I brought him home last night and we all thought sure this is some joke because my dad did that sometimes. Well he was in the next field over looking at us like we were all crazy, from that day on he was just more then a horse he was a family member for 26 years and he was the best horse ever.

I had to put him down March 28, 2002 because he had gotten colic and was in so much pain. He just turned 30 years old and was still being rode by a 10 year old girl named Brandi which he loved. I started riding him when I was 5 or 6 and still rode him up until 1 year before his death. He was the best and I miss him so much..


We Love you Par...
Par Boy
Sandra Shrum & Doug Shrum