Pehpper Deah Harish by Deah and Harish / But Mama loves You too Honie Bun

Pehpper is a bundle of joy and energy since the first time we set eyes on her. As usual we wanted to adopt a male dog but one look at this active girl, my husband and we both knew this relation is forever.

Pehpper is one beautiful girl with the most expressive eyes. She is always been very different and very human in her own way. She had two extra toes one each on her hind legs. As expected her dada has pampered her crazy n is the apple of his eye. She has to sleep with her dada and has taken the coveted place to sleep between my husband and me. Like a spoiled princess she needs her pillow, duvet n her soft toy to sleep with. She is a very health conscious babe and loves her walks and her game of fetch. Pehpper is an intelligent girl and very protective about her home and both of us. She is a complete Dad’s gal and I am sidelined when he is around. However like a darling whenever she is not well she needs her mum. Since I am the one who is the strict parent I am nicknamed Evil Stepmom. There is hardly no one whose life Pehpper has not touched. She has somehow manged to decipher that whenever the intercom rings we have a visitor @ home n would start barking wen the phone is hung up to inform us to be wary and open the door. Surprisingly she never barks when the phone rings.

Our Family is so very complete with Pehpper. Pehpper tho never loved her bath she is always a very good kid and very obedient. She just doesn’t like to be left alone and is very fussy about her food. Her world revolves around us and she is miserable if anyone of us is not around. Pehpper is also religious and sat with me when I lit the evening Deeya. She would sit next to me with her head bowed like she was offering her prayers too.

Pehpper was not very happy when we moved to Mumbai n day one she ran away to explore the city on her own. Being the small over protected girl, we were very scared for us as she did not know this new city n would not be able to find her way back. But she did. After a frantic 4 hour search for us we found our angel back. She was very scared n hiding beneath a car. One call from her dada n our princess peered out but something was wrong. My husband picked up her and kissed her thousand times n got her back home. But something was strange she was all shaken up and scared and could not stand. We took her to a vet immediately n found out she has been injured on her spine and her hind legs were paralysed. We later found out she jumped from 2nd floor parking( Maybe the security guard scared her n provoked my lill’girl to jump). After the fall she was in lot of pain was some people said they saw a small pup running frantically on the crowded street. How pehpper endured the long run back home is a miracle since she was in such distress.

I remember my husband saying a small prayer to god to give our poo poo girl back to us and we will take care of her however tis.

Our munchkin was bedridden for 2months but that did not dampen her spirits.she was as happy as ever and made sure the sunshine was back into our lives. Since I had quit work I had the good fortune of staying with her 24/7 n our bond grew. Otherwise she is always my husband’s pampered princess. The Vet said Pehpper would never be able to walk again but the brave girl Pepo is never gave up she started moving on her own walking on her front 2 feet n dragging her lower body. Slowly n eventually she started lifting her hind body and would be able to walk for a few minutes. All through her medication was on and she supported us whole heartedly. Never a girl to let us down she ensured she got more than her attention. She was always around and would follow me everywhere in d house. I used to play this song ”sexy Bitch” n pepo would look at me to say… Awww Mama… I already knew this, teme new!

Since Pepo went missing it was exactly 3 months since she went to Rainbow Bridge. On the fateful day we had decided to leave Poochka behind as we were going on a weekend trip. My mum said she will take care of her. Pepo was so miserable n made sure we took her along with us as she refused to eat or drink water. Not even her special treat made her feel better. So pepo went on with us but on the way she threw up. We called her Vet and he said it was fine as pets sometimes do get sick whilst travelling. On reaching the farm house pepo was kinda ok and explored the place a bit. In the nite she had a little food but soon threw up again. This time the Vet told us not to give her water or food till morning. Since it was a remote place no medical help was around. My husband was sleeping outside on the porch and I was sleeping inside the farm house as it was cold. In the nite pepo was whining a lot n was very uncomfortable. She kept changing her position but was not getting any relief. She kept going to the room where God was kept as if offering her last prayers.
Pehpper always needed both her parents together n since she was whining I woke up my husband and told him I will sleep with her in the car since her whining may disturb the other people. My husband also decided to sleep with us in the car. Pehpper tho not completely at ease was happy to be with both of us and was much at peace, she would whine a bit and I would tell her baby it is going to be all right. She is a brave girl n mommy dada loves her a too too much. Our Brave girl held on till early morning and breathed her last in her Dada’s arms which was her prized throne. We bid a tearful good bye to our lill’ princess. She is sleeping peacefully in her dada’s arms like she always loved to.

Till date we don’t knew what exactly happened. But We tell ourselves Pehpper chose her time and guided us to the place where she wanted to sleep peacefully.

Tis is 2 weeks since she crossed the rainbow and life is not the same anymore. My husband is very miserable without her and is gone in his shell. I keep expressing how our little beautiful princess in her short journey with us touched us eternally.

I keep telling may husband, Pehpper came to make us ready for parenthood… right from staying up with her @nites, to changing nappies, being a protective father with other dogs around his pretty princess to feed her to making her sleep, taking care of her and so many things.
We are getting ready to be parents and I am sure our Lill’ princess is waiting for her turn @ the bridge to come bouncing back into our lives.

I hope we have been good parents to you my mucnkin the way u have been the adorable precious dahlin to us.

Come soon Baby… Dada Mama waiting eagerly.. Muaaah and a nose kissey from Your Dada.

I could go on forever about our Little girl. Muaaah to her.

Pehpper is no more a part of this world but having said that she is an eternal part of our lives. Her memories are etched and cherished deep in our heart. We are awaiting the arrival of a Junior Pehpper in our lives. Altho no one can replace her place in our hearts. Pehpper is a very special Kid.
Princess… Your place on our bed.. between mama dada is still the way tis. Come Soon n grab it.


Dada's Pet,
Pehpper Deah Harish
Deah and Harish