Pizzaz by Chad / Chad and Your Kitty Friend Baby

It has been a few days now that you have passed on. I think of you everyday. I remember when you were found. You were with some other kittens on a busy highway in Brandon FL eating pizza out
of a box that was there.

You were the only kitten who did not run off when a friend of mine turned the car around went back to where you were. You were with me almost all of your life. You were always there through the good and bad. I remember when we moved from Florida to Illinois. You hated that long ride but I was not about to leave you behind.

I never knew how hard it would be when you passed on. I have cried so many tears for you. Baby (my other cat) even misses you. She is sad just as I am. But I know that you are not sick no more. You put up a good fight but it just became to much for you. We miss you!


We Love You Pizzaz,