Porsche by Antoinette

~At Night In My Dreams We Meet~

The days go bye so quickly
The nights they never want to end…

Our Sleep is full of dreams..
Of our Long Lost friend…

Our hearts long to pet him on his soft furry head…
He comes alive at night
In our dreams.
When we go to bed.

Sometimes we end up losing him and calling out his name..
Somtimes we find eachother…
“But it’s just not the same”

We look forward to closing our eyes..
Because that’s when we meet…

Porsche Re-enters our lives…

At night when we go to sleep.

We miss you Porschie Porsche.
You’re in our hearts and part of our soul..
We will always remember you and hold
you close to our hearts…. Our dear friend.
Our faithful companion. My heart misses you
every day…

Love you so much

Saturday Morning 3/17/01 7:30am
after dreaming of you I wrote this.



22, Dec 2000