Prince by The Wimble Family / Mommy, Daddy, Lisa and Billy

Our Princie boy died late on a beautiful cold night in January. It was snowing softly. There was already a foot of snow on the ground. The four of us were all home together when it came time to make the saddest trip of our lives to put him out of his pain. I always loved this poem and it seems so appropriate now as I write this 2 weeks after his death.

Never more will the wind
cherish you again,
never more will the rain.

Never more
shall we find you bright
in the snow and wind.

The snow is melted,
the snow is gone,
and you are flown:

Like a bird out of our hand,
like a light out of our heart,
you are gone.



We love you and miss you, Princie boy.
29, Jan 2005
The Wimble Family