Princess Zoeleigh “Zoey” by Beth Willibaum / Mommy

Zoey, The one I picked to be a companion to Abby and myself. From the first days I learned how different personalities could be.
Zoey, the tiny little one that was always at my side. The little calming spirit that I called “zuzu’s petal”. like a rosebud so beautiful. The serious girl who would steal toys from her sister to make her crazy.
Zoey, I remember the day I brought you home and found that you were not completely weaned and the days of finger feeding you. The bond that this made between us.

I will always remember how on your last day you licked my face before you went to the rainbow bridge to be with your sister. I wait to see you again, My ZuZu Petals… I love you


With so much love,
Princess Zoeleigh "Zoey"
Beth Willibaum