Priscilla by Kathy & Rich / Mommy & Daddy

Priscilla was a little ball of fur, all of 6 months old, when she joined our family. On June 2, 2005 she joined her step-brother on the rainbow bridge. As with Kyle, Priscilla was found to have inoperable tumors and not wanting her to suffer we had her put down.

Priscilla was the independent one of the family, having her way with us each and every day. She began each day making sure that it was her to wake us and not the alarm, whether we were ready to rise or not. Having accomplished her mission she would disappear for the better part of the day, only to show her face for a cool sip of ice water that she demanded or the snacks that she loved. Then as we retired for the evening it was her custom to tuck us in and once again demand to be caressed and scratched until she had her fill and left for the evening.

She filled our hearts with joy and know that her and Kyle are once again together and no doubt ready to torment each other as they loved to do. No words can express just how much Priscilla was a part of our life, the feeling of emptiness around the house has hit us like a ton of bricks. She will be missed and not a day will go by that we will not remember of just how much she loved us and for our love for her.


Hugs and Kisses too,
Kathy & Rich