The Promise to Punkin
I promised you I’d bring you home
You know I’d never lie.
I asked that you please fight the fight
To live and not to die.
You were so sick and looked so weak
My heart broke right in two.
But I gave my word the day we talked
That I’d keep my promise to you.
You were so tired your body weak
You decided it was time to go.
You took with you the day you left
My heart I hope you know.
I understand you could not stay
Though I had begged you to.
I thought it would be in a different way
But I kept my promise to you.
I bought you home as I had promised
Because home is where you should be.
I hope you know my love for you
is for all eternity.
So wait for me until I get there
Then we shall never part.
But until that day when I arrive
You are home in mama’s heart.
I miss you my sweet baby and
cry a tear every day to hold you again.
Tanya (mom)
Punkin |
24, Dec 1999 |
Tanya |