Ranger Crouch-Caldwell by Debbie

Dear Ranger

You were my All and Everything my Partner my Best Friend my Boo my Lil’ Man. You never gave up on me. I had no choice but to let you go. I promised I’d bring you home from the vet and I was never able to keep that promise but please know that I wanted to so very bad. I never meant to break my promise that you’d get better.

I’m sorry that I can’t let go of you but Boo! how am I to go on without you? I loved you and I let you down. I hope Mommy can stay right with God so I may be able to hold you again and hear that so loved howl of yours…I’ll never be whole again. You were the child I never had. Until the day comes that I can see you again and look into those big brown eyes I loved you so very much.

I hope you will forgive me for doing what the vet said would be best for you. Never again can I love another. You touched my life so very much and now that you’re gone my heart will be forever heavy and hurting. I love you so much and I miss my Little Man. I hope that God has you safe and I hope that I can be sure
that I and you will be
together again very soon.

Mommy’s are not suppose to let this happen to their babies and I will never forgive myself until I know that you forgive me. I pray that I’ll meet you at Rainbow Bridge and we can cross together
never to be parted again.

I love you Boo! My little purpose in life and now I have no purpose anymore. May God keep you safe and love you like I do.

I love you honey!

Mommy {Debbie Caldwell}


Ranger Crouch-Caldwell
1, Aug 2001