Reesie by Christie / Momma

My Reesie:

I saw you in a picture,
Your ears so large
Body so small
You called to me to save you
And I came running for your call.

I saw you at the shelter,
You were so scared,
Yet bold,
I loved you from that moment,
You’re little body I would hold.

I saw you playing at the lake,
You had so much fun,
Running free,
I loved to watch you in the sun,
Because you seemed so happy.

I saw you sleep upon my pillow,
When outside thundered,
Comfort found,
I loved that you found trust in me,
I would protect you from those sounds.

I saw you laying on my floor,
You had left this world,
Sadness is here
I love you more than ever before,
Reesie, I know you’re near.


I love you sweet angel,
28, Apr 2006