Reggie by Miranda and Diana Martorana / Your Family

Reggie was this sad little creature when we rescued him. He was old, frail, and withdrawn. The first few days we had him all he did was sleep. But we changed that.

Relaxed in his new home, Reggie became our little angel. He would drag his little bed around as a toy and follow us until we played Tug of War with him. Of course we always did. He comforted us when we were down just by looking at us with his little face. Reggie went from a little scared dog to a dog with so much energy it made you happy no matter how upset you were.
Winter of 2007, he started to lose control over his bladder. He became withdrawn again, and we knew of his old age, but we weren’t sure if that was the problem. A trip to the vet gave us our answer.

Our little angel had developed a kidney disease. His kidneys were shutting down. We were afraid it was his time until the vet gave him a medicine to help him live a while longer. But November 1, 2008, we knew his withdrawal again meant it truly was time.

It killed us to see him suffer, so we went through with the euthanasia on November 6, 2008, after realizing he was going to suffer
until it was done.

Reggie will always hold a place in out hearts, and we will always love him. Our hearts were, and still are, broken. We miss him terribly. But he is in a better place looking down on us as we live on, and someday we will be together again. We will never forget our little angel.


With Love Forever,
Miranda and Diana Martorana