Rocky by EJ / Big Sister

I remember when I first held you up
of course you were only just a pup.
I held you in my arms and said,
“I love you Rocky” then I pat your head.
Ss the years went by we grew closer together,
two peas in a pod, two birds of a feather.
Until one day I went outside
the front stairs you were beside,
I called your name. You didn’t respond.
From that moment I knew to heaven you went on.
I don’t know why God took you away.
How I wish you could have stayed,
but now I know as clear as wind
He needed another angel friend.
Now that you are gone yet not in my heart
I remember your trueness and how you were smart.
I remember everything you taught me in life.
How to be strong, be loyal, be wise.
One day I will see you again
then we can live forever as two angel friends.
Until that day comes, all I can wait for is time
when I wrap you in my arms, your heart against mine.


With everlasting love,
4, Aug 2000