Rusty by Kathy / Momma Kathy

My dearest sweet Rusty..When we brought you home when I was only 17 years old, I immediately fell in love with you..You were only just 3 months old with this little body and big feet…You loved to run and run and run all around the back yard..
You were always there when I was sad..

An enlarged heart, and other problems took control of your sweet body when you were around 10 years old, and we kept you on meds for a long long time..It got to where you couldn’t even jump onto things or off of things without your precious legs collapsing…..I will always love you sweet heart…I still have your coller and sometimes I pull it out and listen to the sound, and it is almost like you are still here with us…I wish you never had to go..I love you so..I know you are not in pain anymore like you were before we departed..


With Love,