Sabiene SueAnn Dodge by Mary, Brandon & Rebecca Dodge / Mary, Brandon & Rebecca Dodge

Sabel came into our lives in January 1999. She was a suprise to me. My husband drove 2 hours to her breeder and emptied out our savings to get her. At that point in our life it wasn’t the most intellingent thing to do “financially”. My husband was out of work due to a back injury he had sustained on the job. All of our saving was gone and we had this huge slobbering, hulk of energy running through our small 2 bedroom apartment. She soon took over our home and our hearts,
with great speed and energy.

Nothing would have prepared us for the love and devotion and happiness this ball of loose skin would give to us. Sabel started out by sleeping with us every night in our bed, as she grew our bed seemed to get smaller and smaller. She was the most beautiful blask masked brindle I have ever seen. She was intuned to our feelings and thoughts, our pain and our happiness, where we went she went.
She was amazing.

Our daughter, Rebecca, was born in January of 2001 and from the minute we brought her home our babies were inseparable. Sabel and Rebecca were always together, both of them in our bed every night made that already small bed even smaller. About 1 month later Sabel started acting sick, nothing could be found wrong with her, maybe it was just a cold. 3 days after Sabel started acting funny Rebecca had her first seizure; she stopped breathing. She had blood coming out of her nose and mouth; I called an ambulance and Sabel broke the latch on the screen door to let them in because I was in the bedroom with the baby trying to make my little girl alright. It was the first time my dog ever let anyone in the house without trying to eat them. It was the only time my dog ever did that.

As time went by Becca had more seizures, everytime Sabel somehow sensed them, one time even cushioning Rebecca as she flipped her highchair over having a seizure. Rebecca hasn’t had a seizure for a year now; it was like somehow Sabel made them all go away. Sabel moved with us from apartment to duplex to house.

We finally moved into my Grandma’s house 6 months ago; we hadn’t decided we would buy it for sure or not until January 15th, 2003 when we came home to find our wonderful, beautiful baby Sabel had died on the couch in the livingroom.

My husband buried her out back beside the lilac bush. She will always be here, we have to buy it now. She affected our hearts and lives like no other. She is greatly missed.


She is always in our hearts, and thoughts
Sabiene SueAnn Dodge
Mary, Brandon & Rebecca Dodge