My dog’s name was Sadie
she was a smart and beautiful sheltie collie
Sadie was light brown and white, and also pretty.
She loved to go camping with the family and always looked forward to seeing us when we were in the back yard.
Sadie would be there waiting for me to play. She would bark at me like she was talking to me.
On a friday afternoon I just got home from work and went to check on Sadie she was laying on the ground and just looked at me with these sad eyes and she started throwing up blood.
Come to find out she had heartworms and the vet said it was to late to do anything other than put her to sleep.
The last thing I remember was that she looked at me with those sad eyes. I patted Sadie and told her I loved her and she would always be in my heart.
Oh how the tears won’t go away when I go into the back yard and MY BEST FRIEND isn’t there anymore.
I hope she is in heaven, and she is looking down on me.