Sadie Mae by Louise McGannon / Mom, Augie, & Shadow

I have to tell you about Sadie Mae. Sadie didn’t like a lot of people, she was only loyal to about 5 of us in her lifetime, that is people. But she loved her “sister” Augie Ray from the moment we adopted Augie from the pound, and of course there was our cat, Shadow, whose head was only wet from Sadie. Sadie also had her birds, I feed wild birds outside our front window, and all you had to say to Sadie “where are your birds”? She would run to the front window, stand on her hind two legs and watch them with such joy, and then turn and look at you as if to say, “isn’t this wonderful”. Augie and I still feed Sadie’s birds every evening. I know that is what Sadie would want us to do.

Sadie also loved going for walks and rides in the truck. You couldn’t say the word “truck” without her being so excited to go for a ride. She loved to look for cows and at times got them mixed up with hay bales or horses. She didn’t care, she always had a look of total joy on her face. My husband always said she looked like the joker. We took Augie & Sadie on many camping trips, road trips, hikes, and rides to Walmart.

Then one horrible night, I let them outside and Sadie got hit by a car and lived for 8 days. I took care of her the last 5 on our kitchen floor as she was paralyzed. The vet said she would be fine, we were going to order her a cart in a week, but unfortunately a blood clot took her life.

Sadie was my best friend, my sunshine in life, and my little girl. Life is very hard without her. I loved her so much, I only hope she knew how much, I told her many, many times.

Bye sweetheart for now, please wait for me.


We all love & miss you with all our hearts,
Sadie Mae
Louise McGannon