“Sandy” by Kristen and Stephen Byrne / Mommy and Daddy

Sandy will always be our sweet little girl. She was the light of our life, she made every day worthwhile. We were lucky to have her in our life for 15 1/2 wonderful years. We always felt so lucky to have her as our dog. Originally she was given as a gift to a little old couple when she was just a baby. Because she was such a handful they couldn’t care for her so within a few weeks they put her up for adoption and my parents went to see her and brought her home to us. That was when I was in 10th grade. When I moved away after college my little munchkin came with me. She lived with my husband and I in FL for 4 yrs, she moved back with us to NY and really, it’s all history. She was an incredible dog, loving, sweet, loyal. We couldn’t ask for a better dog. We were her reason for being and she was ours. She was so healthy right up until 2 wks. before her death. She got so sick, so fast. The vet found a mass that was bleeding internally which was killing her. We had to make the very difficult, very sad decision of putting her to sleep. Although it killed us to have to say good-bye we know we did the most humane thing for her. She will NEVER be forgotten, she will always be our sweet little girl, and she will be forever missed.

We love you Sandy!!! We hope that you are running around “up there” safe and happy with your buddies. You are forever in our hearts.


All Our Love Forever,
Kristen and Stephen Byrne