Sasha by Sherry / mommy

The first time I saw Sasha was in a cage at the pet store sleeping…..on the way home we joked that she wasn’t sure whether she wanted to go with us or not.. as she got down by the gas and brakes.. we didn’t know whether she was trying to speed us home…or stop us to take her back..we hope it was to speed us home.. we had her for 11 yrs and 3 months .. she was the smartest dog..she had a variety of animal friends thru the years..Bubba, a basset hound, who died in much the same way…went out to play in the yard ….and they never =came back in; they were both gone that fast. Then there was Marce,l a Dobie Lab mix. She left behind 2 kitty friends, DJ and Petty…this is so hard to write. It’s only been a day and a half since I lost my baby girl.

She was 7 weeks old when I got her..even as a pup she didn’t like walking on leash ..she would jump up wanting to be she got older, she was in charge always pulling in a hurry to go home. Off leash she stayed right with us the vets they had a tile floor. She would be so scared to go there and had to cross the slippery floor. We would literally have to half pull half slide her to the exam rooms…her last visit to the vet was about a month before when a porcupine shot her full of quills in her muzzle.. he doc said she was doing good and had gained 2 lbs since her last visit..she weighed 83 lbs she was
a big girl with a big heart..

We love and miss you, girl ….your mommy and daddy, Dan and Sherry your sisters, Stephie and Jenny and your little brother, Danny (her human family). She also had a accidental litter of 8 years back..4 survived 4 didn’t so I know she’s happy being
reunited with her animal buddies….


Your friend,