Sasha Lorraine Steward by Alana Steward / From Alana, Scott, Jamie and Taylor

We first saw you at our local dog pound 12 years ago and that was the best day of our lifes. Once you came into our family you quickly settled into our way of life. Not once did we ever regret having you as you was now a big part of our family. When I realised that you was not well, I tried my hardest to help you, didnt care about the cost as you was part of my life and I didn’t want to let you go. Then the vet told me that there was nothing left to do apart from letting you go. We had to come away and think about it all day but it was just getting harder and harder. So finally after saying good bye we let you go to sleep forever. Not a day goes by when I don’t think of you. I will never have another alsation again because it’s just not YOU.. xxxxxx


All our love,
Sasha Lorraine Steward
Alana Steward