Our story of our Precious Baby Girl ~ Sasha Whitfield.
The day we went to get our new addition, we were immediately taken in by 2 of the most cutest lil baby girls in the whole wide world.
They would not leave my side, even though my husband told me to look at the others as well. I told him it was as if we bonded at sight, and I wanted them ‘both’ (we were only going for one).
They were only 4 weeks ago, but we took them in and took care of them as our babies. They needed extra attention because they were only 4 weeks old, too early to leave there Mommy.
The one was bigger (2-different Daddy’s)and we named her Sasha (Sashi). Our lil one is Gizmo (Gizzy). Both of these precious lil Shihtzu’s stole our hearts, and they knew it. I don’t believe they knew/know they were dogs. All I know we had been truly blessed by both our babies.
When we came home they would run out and greet us with kisses.. They were always with us no matter where we were, inside or outside, they were right there. If I was sick or upset they would be there to lick my tears away. Always giving love to us.
We had this thing where I would say they were my Sugar Babies and they would lay down and have me rub there bellies, and kiss there belly. They were/are so use to us touching and loving them all the time that they needed us and our attention 24-7.. But we didn’t mind. Because of what she/they gave us, unconditionally. I have never had such loving lil babies as Sasha and Gizmo. I am there Mommy, and my Husband is there Daddy. Our precious Sasha always would come to you and sit on her bottom (like a child) and put her lil paws out,
for us to pick her up.. Priceless.
In the morning as we were starting our day, she would always be up, and Gizmo would still be sleeping, I’d sit down at our table in the kitchen and have my coffee and she would want up in the chair, so I’d let her jump up on the chair, and she would put her lil paw on the table as if she was coffee clutching with her Mommy (so cute), and I’d give her a treat. She thought this was normal.
I have been with them for almost 10 years. Some people don’t treat there children as we have our dogs. They gave/give us so much. So much joy to come home or get up and have them be a part of our lives. Sasha had been sick 14 months ago with severe Pancreatitis, and not given a good chance. But after being in the Hospital (which we went to see her 2-4 times a day)we brought her home. I felt that she needed to be home and to receive lots of love. And boy did she! She gained her weight back, the sparkle back in her eyes. Running and playing with her lil sister.
She loved to go bye bye. (She had gone bye bye with her Daddy and Gizzy just that day when she had become sick). She was soooo happy, and she was healthy again.. We were calling her dead dog walking, because everyone couldn’t believe how well she was, including Dr. Ryan. You could see it in her beautiful face, she was such a gift to all of us..On Sunday, August 7, 2005 my husband brought her in the house because she had gotten sick. I checked her, nose wasn’t warm or dry, no temperature. So we thought she must have ate something in the yard. (We don’t have anything laying around for them to get into, but a safe manicured yard for them). But as the day went on, she seemed to look worse. She wasn’t hungry, which wasn’t like her (she liked to eat). So we made the decision to take her to see Dr. Ryan in the morning. We never thought it was more than an upset tummy, because she was so healthy.
I found her in our kitchen laying on a rug, very still. But she appeared to have gone potty (a lot) and I saw quite a bit of blood from her bottom. I knew then she was bleeding internally. I checked her and all of a sudden her lil legs seemed to be trying to run, and she looked at me with those big brown eyes, and I checked her pulse, heart rate and found it to be very slow….Then she was gone, less than 24 hours. My husband checked on her through the night and early morning, and said she was just laying on the rug, quietly. But she hadn’t gone potty, or bleeding, as I had found her at 5:45 AM.
Had we have known we would have called emergency and took her to Dr. Ryan. (A mistake,I will never get over). Both of the girls would/will come to us when something is wrong, and she did. How could I be so wrong with my baby? I feel so empty inside, my heart is broken. My arms ache to hold her again, and to kiss her belly.
To have our baby survive 14 months earlier and to have her pass without a clue, other than what we had thought, is not acceptable.. We called her Dr. and as we, was shocked. He said that from the symptoms that we discussed with him, he felt Sasha had a perforated bowel. She could have ate a non food item or bone, or even a stick
that perforated her bowel.
We are devastated from the loss of our Sasha. We know our home will never be the same. Sasha also left her lil sister Gizmo (only 6 lbs.) which they were inseparable. They got along very well. Sashi looked over Gizzy a lot, very protective. They were never separated, only when Sashi was in the Hospital, but I took Gizzy to see her every time we went. Then it was alright, Gizmo knew her sister was ok, but it’s different this time. Gizmo knows the difference. (Some say animals know when they die).
Now Gizmo is so lonely, depressed. I see tears in her eyes. It is heart breaking. She is looking for her. We buried her in our back yard, where she grew up, and next to our Shihtzu Tasha
that passed (11-1995) at 15 yrs. of heart failure.
We will be putting a marker on her grave soon, as we did for Tasha. We are out there constantly, talking, praying, crying, all the above. Right now, we are in denial and missing Sashi terribly. I just want to be with her. I need to know she is alright.
As I am writing this, I am crying my heart out with Gizmo on my lap. Please pray for our lil precious baby girl Sasha. She should have never been taken from us. She had so much more to explore in life, we had so much more to give to her. Both Sasha and Gizmo were/are my everything. They were my reason for smiling, for wanting to wake up to them, to come home to. They depended on me, I was/am there Mommy. And I feel I failed my bestest friend in the world. The truth be told, I too ~ needed them just as much.. I know time heals, but today ~ I am angry, and I keep saying this isn’t real, it just can’t be.
We want to thank you and everyone for this site. In memory of pets has been so compassionate and who better to understand than people who love there animals… And who have lost them.
I cried when I watched Rainbow Bridge. I found it to be so awesome. I have prayed that Tasha would find Sasha and take her under her wings until Mommy can be there with them. I sent a picture of Sashi, and it’s one that we shared every day ~ sitting at the table like a lil person with Mommy. I would do anything in the world to have just one more morning with my most precious lil friend/baby girl……………..
Thank you for letting us share
our precious lil girl with all of you.
God Bless You ~ All
Heartbroken & Lost,
David, Joey & Lil’ Gizmo Whitfield
All Our Love, Hugs & Kisses,
Sasha {Sashi} Whitfield |
David, Joey & Gizmo Whitfield |