Sassy Marie by Jennifer and Justin Faucett / Mommy, Daddy, Paluka, and Lynx

Sassy Pants came into our lives in June 2001. Justin and I were at our local humane society looking to adopt a new kitty. As we looked at all of the cats in the shelter, we were just not finding that one special cat that grabbed at our heart strings. We looked and looked and thought that we were going to have to return at a later date, but out of nowhere I spotted a beautiful little tortoiseshell cat located in a cage behind the counter. I immediately went over to the cat and inquired about her situation. The lady told us that Sassy’s family had moved into a residence that did not allow cats. We took her out of the cage and began to play with her to see if she liked us. She immediately she began talking, purring so loud, and rubbing on everything in sight. I was officially smitten with this little girl. We filled out the adoption papers and two days later
we brought our little girl home.

Sassy’s life continued on quite normally, but that all came to a screeching halt in December of 2003. Sassy was throwing up a lot and seemed to be losing weight even though she ate all the time. Our vet suggested running a thyroid panel to see if she had hyperthyroidism, and sure enough that was what she had. The vet placed her on a medication to regulate her thyroid function which worked quite well. About nine months later Sassy began throwing up and seemed to be hungry all the time, we returned to the vet where we were told that there are a small percent of cats that are intolerant of the medication, and Sassy unfortunately fit that criterion. I was absolutely devastated. The vet told us that from here on out Sassy’s life was about quality and not quantity. Which is much easier said than done. From that point on Sassy enjoyed eating her wet food up to eight times a day, vacationing in Wisconsin Dells, and being spoiled beyond belief.

When we made the decision to euthanize Sassy she was down to 3 pounds and 8 ounces, her healthy weight was a whopping 7.5 pounds. In her final days she had a lot of difficulty jumping up on things, she stopped begging for food, and she was barely eating anymore. Her last night I held her on my chest, told her how much I loved her, and cried uncontrollably. She reciprocated with one final kiss on my nose (I like to think that was her way of thanking me for ending her pain.) I barely got four hours of sleep that night, and when I woke up I found my sweet baby girl curled up next to me on the bed! Sassy left this world October 27, 2005 at 3:15 pm; she was 13 years 4 months and 1 day.

Looking back on our life together, I never could have imagined how important she became to me. She was my baby, my constant friend, and my heart. I thank god for bringing her to me, I thank god for the fateful day in June of 2001 when she entered our life. I am so very lucky for having found her and being able to spend my life with her.

Words cannot say just how much I miss you Sassy Pants; I love you with all of my heart and hope that you are having a fabulous time in heaven. Know that not a day or hour or minute goes by that I do not think of you and miss you. You will always be on my mind and in my heart. Daddy misses you as well as Paluka and Lynx. I love you so much and cannot wait until I get to see you and hold you again.


Love and kisses,
Sassy Marie
Jennifer and Justin Faucett