Seika by kim / mommie

My baby boy,

I miss you so much; it hurts to breathe.
it was the hardest thing I ever had to do was to ask you if you wanted to go for a ride and to see you so happy and actually lift your head high with all the pain you were in. My heart breaking every mile getting closer, to the vet I am grateful for every day I had with you, and I am grateful that you held on as long as you did in so much anguish wanting to be with me and wanting to let go I finally saw it in your eyes. I would ask people how do you know when it’s time they said when the look in their eyes say I love and I want to stay but I can’t hold on anymore, and the day I saw that look in your eyes my heart broke and I know it will never be whole again. I love you, piggy. You are my heart and soul.
I miss you so much.
I love you forever.


My pigawig,
28, Sep 2005