Shadow by Marcella / Mommy

05/28/09 My precious little boy, Shadow, today makes two weeks since you went home to Rainbow Bridge. It seems like only yesterday you were still here with us. I miss you with all of my heart, My Shadow. How I wish to hold you again and stroke your soft fut. I keep seeing you coming out from under the couch, but it’s not really you. I keep hearing your meow, but you’re not really there. If I could build a stairway to heaven, I’d climb right up and bring you back again.

Daddy found a pretty ceramic angel urn to put you in. I lined it with white silk for you, My Shadow. Your final resting place. It just breaks my heart, my sweet little boy, knowing that I will never be able to hold you again and give you kisses. Why, Shadow, did you have to leave so soon? It hurts so much not knowing what took your life in such a short time. Even the doctor at the vets could not tell us why. I miss you so much, My Shadow.

Until we meet again, may God hold you
in the palm of his hands.


All of my love forever,
14, May 2009