
Dec. 16 1990 —- March 7 2000

Miniature Schnauzer

I am a military wife and I got Shelby for my son

when my husband was in the Gulf War back in 1990.

We went to look at the puppies she came to my son right away,

she was the chunkiest and biggest of them all.

We didn’t care she was so cute and we knew she was the dog for us.

She was a great companion and comfort for my son being

that his dad was away at war and the fact he is an only child.

Such a smart and loving dog always obedient even to the end.

At the age of 9 yrs. Shelby ended up getting epilepsy and we

couldn’t get the seizures under control with medication so

with much consideration and as difficult a decision to make we

had her put to sleep to end her suffering and ours.

We will miss her so much and remember her always as the

time goes by and with each new dog we get.


