Sherry by Yana

I have a pretty dog named Sherry.
She’s golden brown and merry.
She loves to walk along a lake
And has a puppy that is fake.

She loves to eat along
with her mother
Though it’s a pity
she never knew her father.
She loves to sleep along
with her “puppy”
And snort like grandpa Guppy.

She lives at home with me
Here in America where one is free.
She loves to kiss me every day
And take a walk watching
the trees sway.

She loves to chase
the little cute squirrel
And listen to the
adventures of Professor Quirrel.
The only problem that she has
is being scared of water
and that doesn’t pass.

She is the best dog there is
And I even call her “Miss”.
This is a poem about my dog
but I gotta go
’cause she’s about the dirty log.



Not Sure