Sir Diesel Moss by Mike, Lynn and Hunter Moss / Dad, Mom, Hunter, Allie and Buster

Diesel was a Christmas present for our only son, Hunter. Hunter was a senior in high school and all he wanted was an English bulldog. We picked Diesel out of a litter of 8 puppies, as he had a white left paw. This feature caught my son’s eye as he is left-handed. We brought Diesel into our family the week before Thanksgiving. On Thanksgiving Day, he almost died from undiagnosed pneumonia. However, he survived and over his 3 and 1/2 year life span, our family
was so very blessed by his life.

Diesel went to work with me several days a week as a puppy. Also, on Friday’s he went with me to the high school to take treats for my son’s basketball team. All the kids love him so. Diesel loved to pile up in the bed with a bunch of kids and watch movies.

Diesel loved to give big slobbery kisses, eat cheese and peanut butter sandwiches. He became my baby when my only son went away to college. I can’t thank him enough for brightening all of my days and providing me with unconditional love.

Diesel had been going to the groomer over the last 6 mos. He love to go to the “beauty shop” as he knew it. On April 14, 2006 he was about to bust with happiness before he could get to Wren’s for his bath. While there, Diesel went into respiratory distress and died there with his extended family. Nick rushed him to the vet, but nothing could be done to save our beloved little boy.

Diesel will never be forgotten. He loved everyone and brought wet kisses and funny faces to everyone he greeted. We miss him so much and hope he knew what a difference he made in our family. His is now at the “Rainbow Bridge” waiting patiently to lick our faces and make us laugh again. Diesel you will live on forever… in our hearts.


We love you,
Sir Diesel Moss
Mike, Lynn and Hunter Moss