Six Packie came into my life in jan 1991. From that time until the time of her going to heaven we enjoyed life to the fullest. Rides to the bank. A walk everyday. Swims in the gulf of mexico. Rides on our boat.
Then I found out Packie had diabetes. Over the years she contracted sores, lost her site, could not walk. But she still had unconditional love for me and I for her.
Her passing brought me to my knees. I wept as if I had lost a child. She was full of life and love. Everyone adored her and she adored all. Eeveryday I miss her more and more.I want her back so badly but I do know that she is in peace and not in pain any longer… she was and is my prize. She made me smile when I cried. Brought me up when I was down. She was and forever will be my all. One blue eye, one brown and white like snow. Had a wiggle that made me laugh.
I will never forget Packie, she is embedded in my heart, mind and soul. You were are and always will be my “”””Six Packie”””.
I love you. Hear me when I talk to u.
Know and feel the love…forever Mommie
I will love you and miss you forever,
Six Packie |
Wendi Gleeson |