You were a sweet adorable kitten when we brought you home. As we watched you grow you warmed our hearts with love joy and laughter. We loved to hold you in our arms.
You remained sweet the nine years we shared with you and you gave us so many beautiful memories. You could run as fast as lightening. You could meow the loudest of all three cats. You could growl like a dog. You liked to make us laugh with your cute and witty ways.
You were full of energy and happy and then…… You became sick and we did all we possibly could to make you well but fate could not be changed.
So for now we must part Although you will always be in our heart.
Your pain and suffering came to an end but you are well again and will be happy in Cat Heaven.
We miss you and will always love you dearly.
Love always
Mike Debbie and Booty
Smokey |
7, December 2000 |
Mike&Debbie |