Smokey by Tibor & Lydia / Mommy and Daddy

When we got Smokey,a tiny little Maine Coon kitten, he was all ears, we didn’t know if he would ever grow to them. But in three years he was a big boy of 24 lbs. Not fat just big. In the three years that he blessed our lives he added so much and left us with so many wonderful memories.

He loved to play Hide & seek with me and was always at my side. He loved everyone and everyone loved him. He let me know when it was time to get up to fix his breakfast and when it was time to give him his medicine..For some reason he had alot of problems, such as mega colon and an enlarged heart. And he had the biggest and
sweetest heart in the world.

The day I had to take him to the vet’s for some very minor surgery, I cried all the way home and a few hours later the vet called and said after the surgery he had just stopped breathing, and he had brain damage and could not longer breath on his own. I begged him not to go and told him all the things that he liked to hear, but in the end we had to let him go. We will never forget you Smokey Man and your Daddy and I will always love you and talk about what a blessing you were to us.

We buried Smokey in my daughters yard as she had so many of her lost loves there and he would not be alone, we sent his bed and his favorite toys with him.

You will always be our Big Smokey Man


We Love you,
Tibor & Lydia