Snitzel by Susan / mom

I got Snitzel shortly before Christmas in 2005. A man was on the Wal-Mart parking lot selling puppies out of a box on a cold Saturday. I got just a glimpse of this little bundle of grey fur and it was LOVE. Snitzel, odd name for a dog but Schnauzers are German and Snitzel sounds German so…. Snitzel gave the purest love.

He loved everyone and everything. Life was one great big joy ride to Snitz. He was thrilled with every single new day. A few months after I acquired Snitzel I rescued a little mixed breed puppy and named her lil bit…because she was so tiny she was just a lil bit of dog. Snitzel adopted her on first sight. He was her “bubba”, he took care of her, he loved her, he put up with her.

I was sitting on the porch last summer and Snitz was laying on the porch panting with his tongue hanging out. Lil bit proceeded to grab his tongue with her sharp puppy teeth. Snitz gave a dog “ouch” as best he could with a puppy attached to his tongue but he didn’t get mad, he didn’t strike out, he accepted that she was a pup and as a pup she was likely to bite his tongue.

Snitz went to the Rainbow bridge on Monday, Feb 6th, 2006. I miss him so. I love you Snitz, I will always love you. Lil bit misses her bubba and will see you at the rainbow bridge one day. Be happy my boy, you were an angel on earth and now your an angel at the bridge.


Thank you for coming into my life,