Snoopy by Tony Wake / Daddy, Mommy, Carwyn and Manon

In Memory of my Lovely Snoopy

The day we first saw him, all of us knew

That he was the one to make our family dreams come true.

His deep brown eyes and big floppy ears

Would keep us loving him all through the years.

I’ve never seen such a friendly dog as my little fox.

He was always pleased to see me, laid in his little box.

I will always love my snoopy I used to sing and say

But I never thought he’d get taken away.

One day he was poorly, I knew it wasn’t right.

He refused his food all day and all night.

He looked so poorly I just wanted to cry.

But I had no idea he was going to die.

So to my snoopy, please hear my call

As I say goodbye, goodbye from us all.

And I hope you know how much you’ll be missed

I’ve never loved a dog as much as this.


I will always love you. I will never forget you,
Goodbye my angel x x x
31, July 2005
Tony Wake