Sophie by Stacy, Kenny, Makayla and Nikia / Daddy, Mommy, Sissy and Bubba

When I first saw you, you were so happy looking, playing with the other dogs and little boys. I found out that your original owners were sent off to the war and my neighbor was just dog-sitting until you were to be sold. I knew I had to have you. We brought you home and you became Daddy’s Little Girl. You would sleep with me everynight, but followed Daddy around every other time. Makayla and Nikia fell in love with you as well, and you became another sibling to them. You filled our lives with so much joy and happiness.

Then the unfortunate day came, when you were taken from us. If we could take back that awful moment of our lives, believe me, we would. For some reason you came into harms way and we were not there to protect you. It broke our hearts to see you pass. We apologize that the accident happened and you are no longer with us. There isn’t a day that passes, that you are not missed. You will always be in our spirits and we will never forget you.

We hope that you are resting peacefully in your favorite park, and know that we love you always.


Our sincere apologies and eternal love,
Stacy, Kenny, Makayla and Nikia