
Spooky Not My Wonderful Nurse/Friend.

Spooky was abandoned by her former owners who just

chose to leave town and turn an indoor cat out to fend for herself.

We immediately fell in love with this gorgeous tortoiseshell

and took her into our home.

She fit in immediately and became very loving and close to me.

We had her only one month before I suffered a major heart attack.

When I arrived home from the hospital Spooky took it upon

herself to be my constant companion leaving my side only

to eat and use the litter box.

She would be so concerned if I was in pain and would meow

and walk all over the bed as my husband tried to help me.

Well I recovered and this year in August Spooky started

just laying around. I took her to the vet who diagnosed

Idiopathic Vestibular Disease.

Soon one side of her face was paralyzed and she couldn’t

walk without falling. Surgery was performed to removed a

very large tumor in her ear. She started eating again

and we thought she was getting better.

Her balance was also returning.

She continued to lose weight however due to an infection

they could not control.

Our vets tried everything including force feeding.

They really thought she would make it and be fine.

Spooky became weaker however and lost her long

battle on October 17 1999 at 12:45 am.

She died in my arms as I cried and stroked her beautiful coat.

She will be missed so much.

I am having such a hard time dealing with her loss as

I feel she was put here to help me through my illness

and I in turn could help her to cross that Rainbow Bridge.

Only nine days later her brother Woodstock joined her

when he lost his brief battle with cancer.

They now play at the bridge and wait for me to join them,

but not a minute of the day goes by that I don’t wish I could

just hold her one more time and give her all the

love I feel for her.

I feel blessed to have had her

in my life.

