Spunky Lynn Mitchell by Clarnce & Carol Mitchell / Spunky Lynn Mitchell

Our baby was so very special…She was the best. And we treated her just like a baby. She had a high chair to eat from…and she loved to ride, and her daddy would ride her on the 4wheeler and she loved that. she has been with me when I’m sick. And Spunky loved Christmas and I showed her how to open gifts…and she love that. I would show her, her gifts and she would check him until we open him. She was so special…we didn’t see this coming and its been very hard on us as a family…I get up and check on her, and we check on her before we go to bed. We miss her so much. Spunky was like one of our kids. She was that special. This year we put the tree up so she could see it. And she knew that her gifts where there. But what we didn’t know that our baby would go to HEAVEN day before Christmas elve. We didn’t see this coming.

We put her into a baby casket and puted where we can see her at all times. This is something that you don’t get over. We also had a service for her we said the 23th song of the BIBLE…and I’m always sing to her that GOD loves the little childern of the world. And we sing that to her. And we prayed This is our


Our Special Baby Spunky Mitchell,
Spunky Lynn Mitchell
Clarnce & Carol Mitchell