Stuart Little by Marsha Anderson / The Anderson’s

Stuart was a very special boy. He came to us at about 9 weeks old. He had been abandoned and was almost overtaken, by heat exhaustion. We nursed him back to health lavishing him with all the love he deserved. When he arrived he was all white and looked like the movie mouse Stuart Little hence the name. As he grew older he he developed his points. He was so beautiful and sweet. When we arrived home from work his beautiful face would greet us by looking out the glass door. He would always try to sneak outside for a quick adventure, but most of his attempts were foiled. He never had the opportunity to explore the great outdoors as we feared what could happen to our sweet boy.

Our granddaughter loved him so, and would dream about someday teaching Stuart a special trick and appearing on Pet Star. A few weeks ago Stuart’s appetite changed and he didn’t want to eat. We were concerned, but never dreamed we would lose our special boy. He lost some weight and was taken to the vet. She kept him over the weekend and told us she would do some tests.

When we were called Monday morning we were told Stuart had a urinary tract infection. That those infection can sometimes affect the kidneys and cause failure. We were given antibiotic and special food. Stuart still had little appetite and would not eat. I began putting the food on a spoon and putting it directly in front of his mouth. He began to eat and we thought were were out of the woods. After a couple of days Stuart began to appear weaker and would stumble when he walked.
We were very concerned.

Prayed seemed the only answer. Sadly our Stuart was taken from us. Our little granddaughter says God is teaching Stuart his trick so when she sees him when she goes to heaven he will show her what he can do. Stuart passed away in my husbands arms being told how much he was loved and how much we were going to miss him.


Our Precious Baby,
Stuart Little
Marsha Anderson