Sushi by Karen / Karen

I was 20 years old when Sushi, my little “Shoo-Shoo” came into my life. A friend of my mother’s cat had had kittens, and we went to go see them. I only saw one kitten–Sushi. He scampered across the floor, and I was a goner. Truly one of the most intensely beautiful cats I had EVER seen, Sushi captured my heart immediately. I scooped up this blue-gray tiger striped, blue-eyed furball and greedily called dibs! Funny, all these years later I don’t think I saw any of the other kittens.
I simply grabbed that cat and ran! Haha!

For the next 16 and a half years Sushi was an adored family member. A cat of many names Mr. Sushi-Magooshi…Shoo-shoo…Shoosh-a-lot…Shooshi…and of course his proper Latin name–“Biggis Luggus”, he was also a cat of many talents. He could jump from the floor to your shoulder in one bound, and oddly enough he always preferred to snuggle against your right shoulder. He could stand on his hind legs and dance like a bear, and he could lay like a perfect “kitty meatloaf” with his paws all tucked in just-so. When I would walk up and greet him after returning home from classes the would drop to the ground the moment he saw me and roll around. He rarely Meowed, he “woofed”; it was the cutest thing. We’d say “bark Sushi…bark!”…and he’d look at us and “oooof!” Thank you so much for those memories, Shoosh…that will bring a smile to my face until the day I die.

So much of my life is filled with his presence, college days, my roaring 20’s, and into my 30’s…this cat saw me through a LOT of living. Will I ever have a bond so deep with any pet again? I am just not sure that I will. He was truly one of a kind. I think about him often. My nephews who are now grown call me, and when we talk about our funny memories Sushi is always interwoven throughout the stories.

On September 14th, 2000, my Shoo-Shoo–one of the best friend I ever had in my life passed away due to kidney failure. He now waits for me with my beautiful mother who was with me the day we got him and who passed away in 1995. During her brief illness that claimed her life we had smuggled Sushi into the hospital so that they could say goodbye. She loved that cat, and I am so glad that they are together now.

Sushi, you were an absolute good in my life. You were everything I could have ever wanted in a pet. With you there was no ‘baggage’, no ‘issues’, there was just love and play. 5 years later, I miss you still. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for having been a part of my life. Until we meet again…I love you Shoo-Shoo!


Showering kisses on you from afar.
Your loving friend,