Tara by Gerald Hughes / forever

It was pure luck that I adopted Tara as a tiny puppy. She was one of a litter that some thug threatened to drown. My sister Sharon, took pity on Tara because she had a injured leg from being banged on a pub counter. She took Tara home and then to my parent’s house.

She was going to find someone to give her to. But I looked after her for an afternoon. With her being so tiny, just a few weeks old my heart melted and felt I couldn’t see her go. So I persuaded my parents to allow my to keep her.

Being so young she took a lot of care and patience. And she was slightly traumatised from her origins. She could be defensive and withdrawn but enjoyed when I comforted her. As a dog she looked exactly like an Australian Dingo, I can’t tell what breed she was. She liked to curl up on my bed after I had fallen asleep.

Taking care of her helped me over the next few years. I suffered from depression on and off and having Tara around was the one thing that helped my, knowing the we relied on each other. She also kept me active with walking and grooming her.

My parents took on another dog called Zak rehomed from the local cat and dog home. Tara was very jealous and defensive at first, but Zak held his own and got along well. Especially when I took them both for a walk at the local park where they went crazy for the first few minutes.

She was an amazingly healthy dog and I really thought she would live forever. She never looked old even at 15. After she turned 15 last June she started to slow down a bit. Finally she was getting older, but I hoped for a few more years yet. With the cold weather setting in she spent all her time curled up in front of a fire where
I could cuddle her now and then.

Her age caught up with her quickly and health problems appeared recently. I never wanted her to pass on. From the first time I saw her she was member of my family. I desperated wanted her to go on because I knew I would cry when she was gone.

I had to let her go just two days ago and I’m still crying . Even though It was painful I just had to stay with her to say goodbye at the end so she knew that I loved her.

She helped me to be responsible and love fully and unconditionally. I will never forget. her and she made me a better person.


With love
Gerald Hughes