Tasha by Lori Rhodes / Me

Tasha was a small black and tan pomeranian, that could melt the heart of even the biggest man.

She was not only my best friend, but she was my business partner as well. I sell a type of pet product that if you have never heard of it before, you would walk right by my booth.

Tasha would go to every show, sit in her baby blue bed on the end of the table and invite the old and the young to pet her. You couldn’t help but stop and see if she was real.

When we were at the shows, she would go into show mode and be very quite and enjoyed being petted. In fact, if you stopped by the table and didn’t pet her, she would get up from her comfortable bed and walk accross all the items on the table and make you pet her.
You couldn’t resist.

Thursday evening June 1st, she slipped under our fence and was tragically hit and killed by a car. Fortunately, she was killed instantly so she did not suffer. (She was only six pounds)

I will miss her VERY much.


With love,
Lori Rhodes