TEX by Linda Ford / TEX……..the Mighty Moose

My husband and I bought a house in 1995 and 2 months later Tex was born….5 1/2 weeks we brough home a 15# cuddly bundle of joy. The bundle was called “the moose” and named Tex. Tex grew and grew and was 33 in at the shoulder and 140#. Late in 2002 Tex became ill and quit wanting to eat and lost 35#. By May 2003 it was evident he was not getting better and now couldn’t breath. This knowing animal is now with his “daddy”. Hank who died in 2001, in Heaven and I see them in my mind walking in a green meadow. Tex was my big boy and I will surely miss him as will his companions at home, Penny, Princess, Tulip and Harley. God Bless the “Mighty Moose.


I love you moose and will miss you,
Linda Ford