Thunder,Scrappy & Fridge

I wanted to share the story of 3 very special cats

that have been in our lives al too briefly.

The first one is Thunder he was a very large grey

tabby and for all his size he was the most gentle cat

I have ever had the pleasue of knowing.

Whenever there was a new kitten brought into the house,

he would take them under his wing and take care of them.

We had a child who lived next door to us who was blind,

and Thunder was so gentle with her as

if he knew she was ‘special’. He will be greatly missed.

The next one is Scrappy and she was named for the pile

of scrap wood out back of our house where she was found

meowing and hissing. She was about 5 weeks old then.

She never did liked to be held but she would sit not

too far from us and smiled in that kitty way.

The third was Fridge and she was a lover.

Her favorite spot to lay down was my husband’s lap.

She was found outside of a sledding area wandering

around the parking lot drinking out of puddles and

huddling under cars to try to stay warm.

When we brought her home she made it her

place right away!

All three died in the summer of 1998 and they will be

missed very much

but they ‘live’ on in our memories!

Thank you for listening to my story,



Thunder,Scrappy & Fridge