Tippy Lou


" Tippy Lou "

3 / 20 / 80 ----- 10 / 12 / 94 

Dachsund / Chihauhau

Tippy Lou my dear sweet baby; I miss you more today

than yesterday and less than I ever will Tomorrow.....

I remember the good and the bad all the happiness brought on by the sad ...

I guess I always will ,

There will always be a place for you nothing can fill.......

I can still see the memory of you running down the

street when you were just a puppy....

Your ears so long that you tumbled and skint all the hair

of your dainty little head.....

I can still feel your warmth as you snuggled up

close while in Mommy's bed.

I can still hear your cute little dog voice lurching out the sound "Mamma"

I can still touch the pictures that I hold dear of you

when you were still here.....

I cry still at times though it's been a few years.......

I miss you Tippy Lou...

But I know God's taking care of you!


~~~~~~~Rest in Peace~~~~~~~










Tippy Lou