Toffee by Jane / Toffees family x x

The first time we saw you Toffee you were 1 day old and it was love at first sight! Just a tiny bundle of fur but bigger than your brothers & sisters! The day we took you home was the beginning of a very special friendship. You chewed the carpets & our slippers! but we didn’t mind we just loved watching you play. You slept on our bed to start with just like a real baby but you soon settled into your own bed.

When our children came along you shared your love with them too and you were so protective of them and never got jealous.Such a good boy.

It was me you followed everywhere though, where ever i went you were not far behind. You would look at me with so much love and liked nothing better than cuddling up with me on the sofa I really miss our cuddles Toffee, i sit with your blanket and i can still smell your scent on it.
The end came so quick, you wasn’t too bad until that last week when everything seemed such a struggle for you, i hated seeing you like that, i just wanted to make it better. The vet did some tests and told us it was your kidneys and possibly cancer too she was surprised you were not more poorly but you were always such a strong dog! but you were suffering and we couldn’t let you suffer anymore, we stayed with you to the end and you fell to sleep in my arms and i will never forget that day for as long as i live. We bought you home with us and now you are at peace. One day we will be together again. I miss you Toffee and i will always love you.

