Tommy by Desiree Frisbee / Desiree F

Thomas came to me as a stray, I couldn’t let him stay out side in the cold begging to come into my apartment, I fixed him up and gave him a warm and loving home for 13yrs. He had been the greatest cat you could ever ask for and I’ve enjoyed each and every day that we had together. He loved christmas time and sniffing the gifts and maybe he’d decide to take a nap on them. He’d wait by the door when he knew it was time for me to come home. He greet me in the kitchen for his dinner(5pm)like clock work he knew when it was time for his friskies in a can! He loved to sit under the tree near the house and watch the birds go back and forth. He also made some friends in the neighborhood.

He’d try to sneak the other cats in! He’d have a mean look on his face when I’d say your friends can’t stay!! He loved long naps on my laps when I watched TV. He loved getting some extra trimmings from the Turkey lefts overs on the holidays. He never cared for snow on his paws, but he’d check it out any ways. Thomas was kind and gentle and always made my days. It’s been so empty without him around the house. He had cancer of the jaw and mouth.

He had surgery in OCT 2008 to remove a mass tumor; I was by his side every step of the way. If it was giving his medicine to him by syringes and soften his food up or it was staying up all night watching over him after he had some complications, I’m so glad I was by his side. He later was loosing weight and not eating so well and cancer had come back and spread toward the front of his face under his gum line,he had several teeth removed,and most of his time toward the end was sleeping for long periods of time, I would have to wash him up because he could no longer clean himself. I had to make the most toughest
decision in my life.

I had to put him to sleep..I remember how heavy and weak my legs were when I had to put him in his carrier for one last time to the vets. I stayed with him and held him until I didn’t feel him breath anymore, then the Dr. Robbins checked his heart and I broke down like never before. I stayed with him 15 mins extra to say my goodbyes. I miss you terribly Tom Tom, mommy loves you(YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE,MY ONLY SUNSHINE YOU MAKE ME HAPPY WHEN SKIES ARE GREY PLEASE DON’T TAKE MY SUNSHINE AWAY)!!


With all my love,
Desiree Frisbee